St Mary’s Bardon Anglican Church is hosting the next Anglicans Ablaze Conference is on from 19th to 21st July 2024. Here is what is planned!
Friday 19 July
6:30pm Registrations
7:00pm Welcome & Worship. (Intro of the SOMA/ARNA team)
7:30pm Session 1 – “We worship a Supernatural God”
Ian Lambert (Chair of SOMA and Lead for ARNA) and Prayer/Ministry Time
Saturday 20 July
8:30am Doors open
8:45am Welcome, Worship and Prayer
9:00am Session 2. “Freedom Of Life In The Spirit” (Rom 8)
Tim Harris (Assistant Bishop Diocese of Adelaide)
9:45am mini break
10:00am Session 3 SOMA Australia: The benefit of short-term mission AND “Being Led by the Spirit In the Local Church” (Rom 8:14)
Melinda McMahon (National Director of SOMA and Ablaze Conferences Coordinator)
10:45am morning tea
11:15am Session 4 “Hearing God’s Voice” Rose Males
12:30am lunch
1:30pm Session 5 “Lingering in the Presence of God” Mark McDonald (ARNA)
2:30pm Electives
- The Liberating Power of Divine Hospitality Lisa McDonald
- The Spirit and Disability Fiona and Tim Harris
- Activating the Prophetic Rose Males
- When Healing Doesn’t Happen Ian Lambert
3:45pm afternoon tea
4.15pm Session 6 Filled With The Spirit: Worship, Teaching, Healing
Ian Lambert (Chair of SOMA and Lead for ARNA)
SUNDAY Preacher Tim Harris
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