Although only a couple of months has passed since we stoked the fires of Pentecost, the reality is it doesn’t take long for our spiritual fires to die down to a smoulder. If you are trying to live on a flicker of a flame, why not come and have your fire rekindled?
In 2024 a new initiative was designed with just that purpose in mind, to refresh, revive and renew the spiritual fervour of Anglicans throughout Australia.
Anglicans Ablaze conferences are the combined initiative of two long-standing spiritual renewal ministries, Anglican Renewal Network Australia (ARNA) and Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA). Each conference is designed to refresh, equip and invigorate believers of all ages in the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit within the local church.
The first Anglicans Ablaze conference was in Melbourne, with the Anglican Parish of Inverloch and Wonthaggi’s Centenary Celebration coming together for a powerful week-long SOMA mission, culminating in a further three-day gathering with those attending being wonderfully refreshed and revitalised.
The Pentecostal fire then moved up to Brisbane for the second Anglicans Ablaze conference hosted at St Mary’s Bardon. To use the words of one who attended, “Wow! Wow! Wow! The Anglican Ablaze conference was so incredibly nourishing for my spirit. Each speaker brought fresh revelation, and valuable insight which enhanced and magnified God’s word and spoke to me personally on many levels. It well exceeded my expectations and is an experience I will never forget. The Holy Spirit has given me new direction and fresh clarity for this season.”
Now, we’re inviting the Spirit to come and hover over the Newcastle Hunter region, fanning the flame of passion and zeal for the Spirit in the hearts of those who live in New South Wales. Is this not what we pray each Saturday morning in our daily office, that the “light of your presence, set on fire our love for God”? The Anglicans Ablaze conference is an opportunity for that prayer to be answered.
So, what’s instore for those who come along to the Anglicans Ablaze conference in Morisset?
On Friday 11th October at 6.30pm we will gather at Southlakes Anglican Church in Morisset, a modest suburb of Lake Macquarie (doesn’t God often work in such places?). Our opening speaker will be Bishop Ian Lambert, Chair of SOMA Australia, who will remind us that We worship a supernatural God. Stories of the transformative power of the Spirit will lead into a time of ministry and prayer.
At 8.30 am on Saturday, 12th October, eager hearts will gather to experience a day of worship, praise, proclamation, learning and application. Our keynote speaker will be Dr Jacqueline Service, lead lecturer from Charles Sturt University. Having recently released her latest book, “Triune Well-being: The Kenotic-Enrichment of the Eternal Trinity”, Jacquie will give voice to the Spirit’s invitation to Participate in the life of the Trinity, through which we find our true identity as members of the body of Christ.
The conference also provides an opportunity for Rev. Melinda, Rector of Southlakes Anglican, to remind us of the important ministry of Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA) and the importance of following the Spirit’s call to mission both locally and abroad. Given SOMA’s prophetic mandate released at Canterbury in July 1978, to “tend to the nervous system of the body of Christ”, the conference hopes to invigorate a fresh flow of spiritual energy through the veins of the Anglican church in Australia, bringing vitality to our proclamation of the good news of the Gospel in readiness for the HOPE25 season.
Next, Rev. Brett Watterson, newly-appointed Rector of Nelson Bay Anglican Church, will provide direction as to how we can be Spirit-led in our local Anglican churches. This promises to be particularly relevant to all Anglicans who long to marry the spontaneity of the Spirit with our rich liturgical heritage.
After morning tea, in the sure knowledge that there is an unseen realm waging against God’s people, Rev. Graeme Liersch, Rector of the Anglican Parishes of Inverloch and Wonthaggi, Victoria, will lead us into the intrepid climates of spiritual warfare, urging us to respond to our call to be soldiers who stand firm in the battlefield.
Lunch will then be served, giving time for refreshment and fellowship. Then, Rev. Natalie Quince, Rector of Taree Anglican Church, will set before us the challenge of living as the authentic spiritual people our Saviour has called us to be.
As the afternoon progresses, we will break into small groups to dive more deeply into topics such as ‘Exploring Our Spiritual Gifts’ with Rev. Colin Walters; ‘Choosing the Right Path for a Successful Life – A Surprising Answer’ with Rev. John Davies; ‘Using the Language of the Spirit in Private and Public’ with Rev. Melinda McMahon; ‘Creating semi-abstract works of worship’ with Melle McMurray; and ‘How to Respond When Healing Doesn’t Come’ with Bishop Ian Lambert.
Between 3.45pm and 6.30pm time will be put aside to give us time to rest and reflect in the stillness of the Spirit’s presence.
Rev. Michael Marklew will then open up the book at Acts to remind us that being filled with the Sirit is never a once-only event and to provide an opportunity to put into action new gifts and insights. Let’s be immersed again!
There will be those who will need to return home after Saturday’s sessions. The invitation is therefore offered to those able to stay on to come along to Southlakes Anglican’s traditional service at 9.00am at which Bishop Ian will wrap up the high points of the conference, and encourage us to keep our spiritual fire burning, no matter our stage of life.
So, Anglicans Ablaze is on the move! For those who have not been able to make it to a conference this year, plans are in place for the National Anglicans Ablaze conference to be held in November 2025. For further information, please visit www.anglicansablaze.org.au.
In a world that so often leaves us feeling spiritually depleted, Anglicans Ablaze conferences provide a unique opportunity to be reignited in the power of the Spirit. When we set aside time for rest, renewal, and empowerment, we are equipped to continue our journey with a revitalized spirit, and a renewed sense of purpose in fulfilling God’s mission in our local communities. Register your attendance at www.anglicansablaze.org.au/event/anglicans-ablaze-conference-southlakes-nsw/
Come, Holy Spirit Come, and set our hearts of fire!
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